Monday, August 27, 2007

Keeping contact

Nothing really exciting today, other than the fact that I got to listen to George
and Drew talk genealogy. In addition to the timeline that I have started, I have started the basics of some letters that I plan on writing to these long lost cousins that I mentioned over the weekend.
In reviewing my notes from those conversations, I remembered that the middle son actually told me that he heard that his grandma, grandpa, and one of his uncles (Nathaniel?) were buried in Bowman cemetary, but we don't have anything to confirm it yet. Until then, I'll just keep searching.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Famous mentioning

Well, I was curious to find out why I have gotten a couple of comments on my blog and was pleasantly surprised to find out that The Genealogy Guys actually mentioned me on their podcast. Thanks a ton guys - it is very much appreciated. I am kind of hopeful that perhaps someone out there can think of an avenue that I have not already traveled. After all, if George can find Brisco Holder, then maybe I stand a chance at finding Jacob Sommerfelt.
I spent a little bit of time trying to do a time line of this particular family and I'll have to share what I have soon. At least what I know of the facts - and then try to fill in more where I can.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Cold calling

Boy there is nothing more nerve-wracking that cold calling someone and then trying to explain that you are a long-lost relative. Here is the story: After considerable effort in trying to find any further information on Jacob Sommerfelt, I decided to go out on a limb.
It started with me calling the Wichita County Clerk again and then getting the idea of calling a few of the clerks form the adjoining counties. All with the same result that they did not have anyone named Sommerfelt or Sommerfeld anywhere in their books - let alone someone named Jacob Sommerfelt.
All of this was quite frustrating, so I sat back and tried to figure out another approach. What I settled one was I decided to use an online phone book and try calling some long-lost cousins. I searched for the maried last name of one of the sisters of my great-grandma Schulz. Then narrowed the search to Wichita Falls, TX because that is the last place I knew of them at.
That search produced three telephone numbers and I started calling and asking if they knew of a relative named Tillie (which is what this sister went by in life). Go figure that the last one I called is the only one that had heard of her - but the miracle is that he was her son.
After talking for about an hour, we hung up and I had the phone number of one of his brothers.
I ended up cold calling him too and we had a great conversation for about a half an hour. When I hung up with him, he gave me the phone number for the third brother. I called him the next day (Friday) and we chatted for about 45 minutes. These connections were wonderful to establish and I was so thrilled. The trouble is that I am in Utah and they are in Texas. However is was nice to meet the, even if it was just over the phone.
Unfortunately, even after these wonderful chats that we had, I still didn't get any closer to finding Jacob. I did; however, get closer to family which is a very gratifying experience.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I have not forgotten

Well, I have been pretty busy in my personal life, but I have not forgotten Jacob and Minnie, or their family. In scouring the newspaper findings, I did not see a single reference to Jacob Sommerfelt or Sommerfeld. This has been unfortunate. I feel like I am back at square one, but I have got to push through this. I am starting to research again and am thinking about calling the Wichita Falls County Clerk again. Here goes nothing. I am starting today.